MBWE 2 TB Full Recovery Procedure

Recover  step by step procedure for a Mybookworld 2 TB NAS.


Ok guys here it is. I have a MBWE with 2 1 tb drives in it. I had used the drives for a project and wanted to make a clean start.

What did i do to make it work again from totally clean drives to a Raid 1 config.

Now comes the tricky part:

1. Follow the rescue procedures for the single drive World Book using BOTH DRIVES:


The only thing what wasn’t correct in the manual was :

Wrong:  mkfs.ext3 -m /dev/sda4

Correct: mkfs.ext3 -m 0 /dev/sda4


When the first drive was complete I installed it in the mbwe unit and booted.

2. I made the first drive accessible for ssh. (Url: http://MYBOOKWORKLD/auth/firmware_upgrade.pl?fwserver=highlevelbits.free.fr/download/MBWE/MBWE-SSH-ENABLE

Then I installed second drive and executed the command again for ssh access. So both drive have ssh enabled.


3. (Required only for non-WD disks) While the drive is still attached to your computer, modify the script ‘S15wdc-heat-monitor’ located in the ‘/etc/init.d’ folder and comment out the “$HEAT_MON &” line. Otherwise the unit will shut down and blink the front lights if the drives inside are not Western Digital.


4. (Required only for non-WD disks) Follow these instructions to install a new temperature monitor and fan control, otherwise your fan will never come on and your disks will fry! http://kyyhkynen.net/stuff/mybook/temperature_monitor.php

# I use WD Disc so i didn’t have to make this change.

For Seagate disks, make the following additional change:

– modify /usr/sbin/temperature_monitor and change the 2 lines with “hdparm” to check for “standby” instead of “active”



5. Make the following modification to switch the unit from a 1-disk configuration to a 2-disk configuration:

– change the “system_type” to “2NC” in this file: vi /var/oxsemi/nas.ini

– change the “system_type” to “wdg2nc” in this file: vi /etc/default-settings


6. Create and activate raid disks on 4th patition

1. mdadm -Cv /dev/md4 -l1 -n2 -c64 /dev/sdb4 missing

This command worked fine for me because both drives are the same. It is recommended that the sizes op partitions are the same. Important partition is SDA4 en SDB4

7. Set RAID Configuration

1. mdadm -Es

This command gives 4 lines as result. If it are 3 lines the previous command has failed.

You should get a result like

ARRAY /dev/md1 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=38f61aa3:44d57f6e:371d16a4:c628cbe8

ARRAY /dev/md2 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=d76e6d02:bbdc6d24:944ec00b:1ce3d3f3

ARRAY /dev/md3 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=52c5fcaf:6e5975eb:7ef85dd8:b9eb2bec

ARRAY /dev/md4 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=91c6bb94:a1f85a42:95e839e2:477a7ccc

Copy the above result to notepad. Then open with vi /etc/mdadm.conf

Compare the lines in notepad with the line in the mdadm.conf. In my case only the last line wasn’t the same uuid.

Then edit mdadm.conf so it matches the values in notepad. Edit with vi switch to editing mode: press insert. Change the values.

Save with vi as follow:




8. Then go to FSTAB

vi /etc/fstab and change /dev/sda4 to /dev/md4

Save :wq!

9.Reboot the unit. Then follow the following steps.

Before the last step I didn’t have the option to set the drive type. But after the Edit with fstab everything works. To verify if the raid is running you can run the following command: mdadm –detail /dev/md4

There you can check if the Raid config is fine or not good.


10. Access the unit through the web interface, go to the “Drive Management” tab. You should now see the “Change Drive Type” and “Format New Drive” options. You should also see in the “Drive Status” that it says “Drive B Failed” or something like that. Click the “Change Drive Type” to select whether you would like Linear or RAID 1 (mirror). Then click “Format New Drive”. This will take quite a while. Once it has completed, the “Drive Status” will change to “Synchronizing”. It took me 6 hours to process. During this time, however, you are able to use your unit.

I hope this was the solution everybody was hoping for. It helped me in my case.


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