How to Deploy .Net Framework 4.0 Full with startup script

How to Deploy Microsoft .NET Framework 4 with Group Policy with Startup Script

To deploy .NET Framework 4 to your network you must use a startup script. No longer can you push .NET Framework out via an MSI file as with earlier versions such as .NET Framework 1.1.I wrote a script that your welcome to copy it to push the .NET framework to all x86 and x64 windows based PC’s on your network.

Save the following as a “.bat” file.


REM *********************************************************************
REM Environment customization begins here. Modify variables below.
REM *********************************************************************

REM Enter the Product Name.
set ProductName=Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile

REM Set DeployServer to a network-accessible location containing the Office source files.
set DeployServer=\\kbomb.local\netlogon\software

REM Set LogLocation to a central directory to collect log files.
set LogLocation=C:\Windows\Logs

REM *********************************************************************
REM Deployment code begins here. Do not modify anything below this line.
REM *********************************************************************

IF NOT “%ProgramFiles(x86)%”==”” (goto ARP64) else (goto ARP86)

REM Operating system is X64. Check for 32 bit Office in emulated Wow6432 uninstall key
reg query “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%ProductName%”
if NOT %errorlevel%==1 (goto End)

REM Check for 32 and 64 bit versions of Office 2010 in regular uninstall key.(Office 64bit would also appear here on a 64bit OS)
reg query “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\%ProductName%”
if %errorlevel%==1 (goto DeployOffice) else (goto End)

REM If 1 returned, the product was not found. Run setup here.
start /wait %DeployServer%\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /passive
echo %date% %time% Setup ended with error code %errorlevel%. >> %LogLocation%\%computername%.txt

REM If 0 or other was returned, the product was found or another error occurred. Do nothing.


Please modify the DeployServer path to fit your environment.

Copy the script into the startup script folder inside the group policy object. Make sure you use a startup script and not a logon script!

Link this group policy object to your computer accounts. When the workstations refresh there group policy they will automatically install .NET Framework v4 on next reboot.

I have tested the script and it works on windows 7


Server Core commando’s die van belang kunnen zijn tijdens de initiële setup.

To set the server with a static IP address

  1. At a command prompt, type the following:

netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces

  1. Look at the number shown in the Idx column of the output for your network adapter. If your computer has more than one network adapter, make a note of the number corresponding to the network adapter for which you wish to set a static IP address.
  2. At the command prompt, type:

Lees verder

Extend the evaluation period for Server 2008 R2

How to manually extend the evaluation period

When the initial 60-day evaluation period nears its end, you can run the Slmgr.vbs script to reset the evaluation period. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, and then click Command Prompt. (Make sure u run it with elevated rights. –> Hold Ctrl+Shift when opening the command prompt. If you see Administrator: Command Prompt you are good to go.) 
  2. Type slmgr.vbs -dli, and then press ENTER to check the current status of your evaluation period.
  3. To reset the evaluation period, type slmgr.vbs –rearm, and then press ENTER.
  4. Restart the computer.

This resets the evaluation period to 30 days.

There is a limitation when it comes to Rearming Windows.

How can i check how many rearms there are left:

  1. Click Start, and then click Command Prompt. (Make sure u run it with elevated rights. –> Hold Ctrl+Shift when opening the command prompt. If you see Administrator: Command Prompt you are good to go.)
  2. Type slmgr.vbs -dlv, and then press ENTER to check the current status of your evaluation period.
  3. See: Remaining Windows Rearm Count : *
